Saturday, July 21, 2007

Simple Muscle Secrets July 2007

Hello again and welcome to another edition of Simple Muscle Secrets.

Today I wanted to discuss the post workout meal and clear the air on some of the confusion and myths that surround it.

The Post Workout Meal Facts

Basically it all stems from a question I received recently from a client, Ryan, from Florida in the USA. The question was:

"I'm a bit confused about the post-workout meal. Specifically when to have it and in what form? I've been told by some people that it must be a shake while others have said it can be solid food. I also read somewhere that said that I could eat the meal anywhere up to 24 hours after my workout and still get the same results, so why do you say different?"

To give you a complete answer let me break the question down into a few parts:

Firstly, as I detailed in Simple Muscle, the goal of this meal is to maximise the growth you achieve from the intense workout session you have just performed. The reason it is so crucial stems from your body's natural hormone production and the unique opportunity you have at this time. Namely, the chance to maximise IGF-1 production and minimise Cortisol production.

To re-cap, IGF-1 is the most potent muscle building hormone in your body but its production is very limited. It is produced when BOTH Insulin and Growth Hormone Levels are high. This occurs rarely because when one is high usually the other is low. Cortisol on the other hand is a Catabolic hormone and we need to minimise its production as much as possible.
Following your workout your Growth Hormone levels are high. Your insulin levels are low because there is no glucose to process as it was burned during the workout.

If you consume an easily digestible high protein / high carb meal immediately following your workout, you will cause an Insulin spike in your body. This spike means that your insulin levels rise rapidly before your Growth Hormone levels drop. With both Insulin and Growth Hormone levels high, IGF-1 is produced and with the protein that we have consumed also, our body turns into a muscle building furnace!!!

The reason this meal must be consumed no longer than 30-40 minutes after your workout is that as detailed in Simple Muscle, your Growth Hormone levels will begin to drop after this time and because of the lack of nutrients in your system, your Cortisol levels will rise as your body begins breaking down protein and muscle tissue to produce enough glucose to return the body to a normal blood sugar level.

I know it is a little long winded but this is why people who say that the Post Workout Meal is not important, or doesn't have to be consumed straight away are wrong! The scientific facts don't lie.

I always try to consume this meal immediately after my workout and never any longer than 25-30 minutes!

As for the specific make up of the meal..................

The meal needs to consist of Protein for muscle repair and growth and Carbohydrates for energy and hormone production. No fat is consumed with this meal as it is detrimental to what we are trying to achieve.

Ideally the sooner these nutrients can be digested and enter the bloodstream the better as we only have a limited time in which we can stimulate our hormones. As you know complex carbs are slow digesting and therefore not suitable at this time because this is one of the few occasions we ARE actually trying to produce high blood sugar levels and therefore a HIGH Insulin spike.

Therefore easily digestible simple carbs are best for this purpose.

Likewise the more easily digestible the protein we consume is the faster and better we can maximise muscle repair.

That is why consuming these nutrients in liquid or shake form is recommended. It is far more easily digested. Solid food, whilst containing these nutrients does still take longer to digest than liquid and therefore reduces the effectiveness of your hormone production.

I recommend a whey protein powder (isolate or concentrate) mixed with a high GI carb source. Whilst I will not endorse any particular brand or company's supplements, I suggest you visit any supplement shop or online store and look for post workout recovery drinks aimed at causing an insulin spike.

Just one final point on this subject about IGF-1. Because it is such a potent muscle building hormone, some people have been trying to increase their levels by taking specific artificial IGF-1 supplements. I strongly recommend against this as unnaturally high levels of IGF-1 (as produced by these supplements) can cause cancer and other major health problems.

Stick to natural production through correct dieting and you will produce all the IGF-1 you need in a safe and healthy manner.

I Want To Hear All About Your Progress

As a valued client your success with the Simple Muscle System is my highest priority and I am always excited to hear the progress you make. As you have seen many client testimonials have featured on web pages, in emails and products. Sharing your success also helps others achieve there own goals as they see real people achieving real results. The more the better.

If you have results you would like to share then please send an email to detailing your starting measurements / background and your results to date. The more detail the better.

Always remember that your privacy is always respected and no results are published without your express consent.


You Have The Power

Help shape Simple Muscle Secrets. As you know I'm dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and create the body you've always wanted. I want to hear from you on what issues you think are important or need addressing or what you would like to hear more about in Simple Muscle Secrets.

Simply send an email to outlining your thoughts and I will endeavour to address these issues in the editions of Simple Muscle Secrets that follow.

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All editions of Simple Muscle Secrets can be found at the Simple Muscle Blog:

I hope you enjoyed this issue of Simple Muscle Secrets. Until next time........

Train For Gain,

Paul James

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Making That Initial Adjustment

How are you finding the program so far? Most people are able to implement the workouts without too many problems, however it is the initial adjustment to your diet that may be difficult. It was for me.

You may stumble along the way in the first week or so as I did but trust me, the sooner you can implement the Simple Muscle Diet as part of your daily routine, the easier it becomes and the faster you will see results. Every person finds some aspect of the initial adjustment difficult or outside their comfort zone.

Do not let this trouble you- it is natural and should be expected.

Have you tried any of the delicious meals or recipes provided in the Simple Muscle bonuses? Remember, variety in your food will also keep things exciting and interesting.

Plan your meals at the start of the week then shop for the ingredients you will need. This is a great way to help avoid those unhealthy and unplanned snacks that occur when you are short of time.

If you know you will be out and about throughout the day, pack a few meals to take with you. A simple little freezer bag or cooler is easy to carry around with you if you don't have access to a fridge or the ability to cook meals during the day.

If you do stumble, do not worry about it or get caught up about it. Pick yourself up again and move on. What is your next meal? Plan it. Don't make the same mistake again. Learn from it. That is how we achieve.

Remember your success is dependent upon your attitude and dedication.

Enjoy your new lifestyle and the knowledge that you are creating not only the physique you have always wanted but a fitter healthier you.

I look forward to hearing of your progress.

Train For Gain,

Paul James

5 Critical Mistakes To Avoid

By now you should have finished reading through the Simple Muscle System at least once. If not what is the delay? Don't you want to start building muscle ASAP? If you haven't already then get to it!

Now today I just wanted to highlight some common (and critical) mistakes that are made by people when starting one of the Simple Muscle Programs. Avoiding these mistakes means you will be able to achieve the best results in the shortest time possible.

Mistake 1- Failing To Take Your Measurements / Photograph

As explained in Simple Muscle, taking your starting measurements and weight are vital to determining which program is best for you and absolutely crucial to tracking your success. Some people think that just using "sight" as their measurement will suffice. Unfortunately sight will not tell you about lean muscle development and nor is it able to accurately measure how much you have grown from week to week. Measure yourself regularly as instructed.

Your photograph provides you with the visual reminder of what you want to change and the motivation to stick to the plan during the harder times- it is vitally important.

Mistake 2- Supplement Loading To Get Quicker Results

Some clients still believe that buying heaps of supplements will enable them to short cut the system to achieve better / faster results- WRONG.

As explained supplements are not the magical key and will not deliver the results you desire unless your diet and training regime are right. All you will be doing will be wasting money. Focus on getting your diet and training right first, then make an informed choice on what supplement (if any) you require.

Mistake 3- Not Following The Diet Plan Correctly

Building Muscle is 50% diet. The Simple Muscle diets are proven to work. It's pretty simple, follow the diet and achieve maximum muscle growth. Some clients fall into the trap of thinking they can just eat anything and still achieve the results they desire. Or they don't eat the required number of meals or meal portions. Or they fail to plan their weekly diet.

If you fail to plan or you simply try to wing it then you are only short changing yourself. Remember all that talk about empty, nutritionless calories and the importance of correct hormone stimulation. It all goes out the window if you don't follow the plan set out for you.

If you have a busy lifestyle this is especially important to ensure you are eating enough of the right foods and fuelling your body for maximum muscle growth.

Mistake 4- Altering The Workouts

Everybody has their favourite exercises and exercises they don't like as much. The trouble is when people start tinkering with the Simple Muscle Workouts to include other exercises or exclude exercises they don't like they stunt the growth they can achieve.

The Simple Muscle workouts have been proven to deliver results every time when followed as laid out. They will build the muscle you desire and they are all that is required. Removing exercises will affect your growth potential and hormone production. Adding exercises on top of what is already set out for you will result in overtraining, muscle damage and limited growth. Stick to the workout the way it is. It will work.

Mistake 5- Failing To Give The System Time To Work

Results take time and hard work. The Simple Muscle System is a lifestyle change and an intense muscle building program. You spent your hard earned money on it to find the solution to your troubled muscle growth. Follow the program and give it time to work. You must be persistent and patient. I guarantee the results will come if you follow the program correctly.

Don't you think if a 1 month magical perfect body solution was available you would have heard of it by now. The fact is there is no overnight solution. Everything takes time and effort- but if you are consistent in your application of the Simple Muscle System then your muscle growth will reach its full potential.

If you avoid these mistakes and follow the Simple Muscle System as I have laid it out for you then I guarantee you will achieve the body you desire.

I don't like wishing you good luck because carving your physique has nothing to do with luck, it's all about effort and dedication. So as always........

Train For Gain.
